We care about your crew

Special training of medical doctors who take care of seafarers and international postgraduate training courses in maritime occupational health for doctors have already been conducted.

Maritime Medicine Resources


Ministry of Transportation - http://www.mt.ro
Naval Authority - http://www.rna.ro
Maritime Training Center - http://ceronav.ro
Maritime University - http://www.cmu-edu.eu
Naval Academy - http://www.anmb.ro
Navy Forces - http://www.navy.ro
Naval League - http://www.lnr.ro
Association of Crewing Agencies - http://www.romaniancrewing.ro
Seafarers Federation - http://www.slnitf.org.ro
Seafarers Federation - http://www.sln.org.ro

Australia - http://www.amsa.gov.au
Bahamas - http://www.bahamasmaritime.com
Belgium - https://www.mobilit.fgov.be/
Bermuda - http://www.gov.bm
Danish - http://www.dma.dk
Dutch - http://www.ilent.nl
Finnish - http://portal.liikennevirasto.fi/sivu/www/e/new_service
Italy - http://www.salute.gov.it
German - http://www.bg-verkehr.de/ship-safety-divisionhttp://www.bsh.de/en/index.jsp
India - http://www.dgshipping.com
Isle of Man - http://gov.im
Latvia - http://www.lja.lv
Liberia - http://www.liscr.com
Malaysia - http://www.marine.gov.my/HEPP/doctorlist.pdf
Malta - http://transport.gov.mt/Home.aspx
Marshall Islands - http://register-iri.com
New Zeeland - http://www.maritimenz.govt.nz

Panama - http://www.segumar.com
Philippines - http://www.doh.gov.ph
Romania - http://www.mt.ro
Singapore - http://www.mpa.gov.sg
South Africa - http://www.samsa.org.za
Sweden - http://www.sjofartsverket.se
Sweden - http://transportstyrelsen.se/en/
UK USA - http://www.marad.dot.gov

ILO (International Labour Organization) - http://www.ilo.org

IMO (International Maritime Organization) - http://www.imo.org
WHO (World Health Organization) - http://www.who.int
HSE (Health and Safe Executive) - http://www.hse.gov.uk
DNV (Det Norske Veritas) - http://www.dnv.com

ICSW International Committee on Seafarers' Welfare) - http://www.seafarerswelfare.org
ISF (International Shipping Federation) - http://www.marisec.org
ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) - http://www.itfglobal.org

IMHA (International Maritime Health Association) - http://imha.net

ISMH12 (International Symposium on Maritime Health) - http://www.ismh12.org
IMMA(International Maritime Medicine Association) - http://www.maritime-medical.org

Danish - DSMM (Danish Society for Maritime Medicine) - http://www.dsmmweb.mono.net
France - SFMM (Société Française de Médecine Maritime) - http://www.mersante.com/
Germany - DGMM - http://www.maritimemedizin.de
Nederland http://www.nmng.nl
Norway - NAMM - http://www.nfmm.no http://textbook.ncmm.no/about/namm
Poland - UCMMIT (University Center of Maritime Tropical Medicine) - http://www.immt.gdynia.pl
Spain - SEMM (Spanish Society of Maritime Medicine) - http://www.semm.org
UK - SOM (England Society of Occupational Medicine) - https://www.som.org.uk

NCMM (Norwegian Center for Maritime Medicine) - http://www.ncmm.no/imha

American P&I - http://www.american-club.com
UK P&I - http://www.ukpandi.com
Gard P&I - http://www.gard.no
Steamship Mutual - http://www.simsl.com
Thomas Miller - http://www.thomasmiller.com

Maritime Connector - http://maritime-connector.com/
IMH (International Maritime Health) - http://www.intmarhealth.pl/
Maritime Press - http://www.maritimepressbox.com
The Marine World - http://www.themarineworld.com
WSD (World Shipping Directory) - http://www.wsdonline.com
Maritime Database - http://www.maritime-database.com
Maritime Forum - http://www.maritimt-forum.no

Useful Links - Bernard Schulte Shipmanagement


NSOC (North Sea Operators Committee) - http://danishoperators.com

OLF (Oil Industry Association) - http://www.olf.no
Rogaland - http://www.fylkesmannen.no/hoved.aspx?m=33635

NOGEPA (Netherland Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association) - http://www.nogepa.nl


ISTM (International Society of Travel Medicine) - http://www.istm.org/
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - http://wwwnc.cdc.gov
INSP (Inspectoratul National de Sanatate Publica) - http://www.insp.gov.ro/cnscbt
MAE (Ministerul Afacerilor Externe) - http://www.mae.ro/travel-conditions
WHO (World Health Organization) - http://apps.who.int/immunization_monitoring